Consists of two parts: a large wall painting referring to J.F. Willumsen’s eponymous etching Fertility from 1891 which included a short French poem. Translated as “Old art has its old language that the world little by little has learned to understand. New art has a newly formed language that the world must learn in order to understand it.” Brackman reinterpreted the poem as “The old associations have their own situations which I little by little learn to imitate. The modern association has its own construction that I must learn to represent before I can come to the same conclusion.“ The rewriting of Willumsen’s poem turns the idea of biological reproduction toward representation as a ‘closed circle’ rather than a creation of the new. Gravity, 2014 a textile garment, is inspired by J.F. Willumsen’s representation of his very pregnant first wife, Juliette Meyer, a sculptor in her own right in the Fertility etching from 1891. Gravity is a performance from 2014 and Gravity attire is used in the 10;30 minute looped video, Juliette from 2018.